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FREN 2P55 Library Tutorial

Finding Sources in French

The skills and resources we have covered so far will be useful for all the research you do at Brock. Now, let's look at some ways to search specifically for French language sources.

Language Filters

Many library databases will include filters for language. You can use this to limit your results to just sources in French.

In Omni and most other library databases, look for the language filter in the left-hand panel Language Filter in OmniSearch including language filter from MLA Bibliography
Example - search for articles in French on Victor Hugo,contains,victor%20hugo&tab=Everything&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=01OCUL_BU:BU_DEFAULT&mfacet=rtype,include,articles,2&mfacet=lang,include,fre,1&mode=basic&offset=0



Specific Search Terms

When searching for sources on a particular French author or a regional literature, some specific search terms can be helpful:

French Language Sources

Below is a selection of key library databases containing French language scholarly sources. Some are French-only, while others are contain sources in a variety of languages but can be limited to only French language sources.

For additional recommended resources, consult the French Studies Research Guide.