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Reusable Content

Primo - wide



Advanced Search

Omni - short


Advanced Search

Omni - no formatting

Omni searches most of the library's collections.

Create a SuperSearch search box

While we plan to have our own custom-designed SuperSearch widget for LibGuides in the near future, it's possible it won't be ready for September... but don't despair! If you want a SuperSearch widget for your research guide ASAP, you have two options:

  1. Insert a basic SuperSearch search box widget (see sample on right -- thank you Ian Gibson for making this happen!). You can reuse this one if your guide by:
    • On your guide, click "Add new box" where you want the widget
    • Select the 'Reuse existing box' tab
    • From the first drop-down menu, select "Reusable Content"
    • From the second drop-down menu, select "SuperSearch"
  2. Customize your own SuperSearch search box using the Search Box Builder & grab the code to paste in a new box on your page. Feel free to follow up with Ian or Monica for any help :)

Search JSTOR

Search GVRL

Scholars Portal Search Widgets

Search box widgets for SP Books & Journals here:


Find existing widgets: Search Boxes

Springshare list of widgets: what's already out there & how to make them

Search the Catalogue