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How do I know if an article is peer-reviewed?

In most of the Library's databases, you will be able to limit your search to peer-reviewed articles.

You can also search for the title of the journal in a tool called Ulrichsweb, which is available under "U" on the Library databases page. In your search results, a symbol that looks like a black and white referee shirt will indicate that a journal is peer-reviewed (or refereed).

Screenshot of search in Ulrichs.

For more information or help, contact the Library Help Desk.


Finding Journal Articles

Do you need to find peer-reviewed journal articles?

Peer-reviewed articles may also be referred to as scholarly, academic or refereed articles. These articles generally have the following characteristics:

  • written by scholars, researchers for an audience of fellow scholars and researchers
  • may contain footnotes or other notes
  • list many references
  • often contain original research
  • are usually lengthy

Before being published, a journal article must first go through a review process to ensure it meets accepted scholarly standards. The article should also contribute significant, original research to the field. 

Watch What's Peer Review?