Getting Started
Omni is your academic search tool. It provides enhanced discovery of information resources at Brock Libraries, our partner institutions, and beyond. With Omni, you can search for and access books, articles, maps, music, and other resources in print and digital formats.
with your Brock email address and password to:
Adapted from Omni Search Tips by Cory Laverty, Information Services Librarian, Queen's University Library.
These search tips work for most library databases such as Omni. The first one does not work in Google (yet?).
To search for multiple words that start from the same root, use a truncation symbol:
To search for synonyms or multiple options, use OR:
To search for an exact phrase, put it in double quotation marks:
To combine these techniques, separate the components of your search with parentheses:
When you have a list of results from Omni or another library database, the first step is to interpret the big picture. There's a lot of information crammed into the search results list, so pause here and apply your critical reading skills to see what you have.