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Identifying Source Types
- It is very important to know the type of source (e.g., a book, a newspaper article, a magazine article, a journal article, or an article from a web site) that you are citing so that you can construct your references correctly in your written assignments.
- Many writing and citation guides provide very clear examples of how to cite a variety of types of sources including books and periodicals (e.g., journals, magazines, and newspapers) in APA Style. Therefore, if you have retrieved the sources for your term paper essay using Omni, or one of the Library's business databases, you should easily be able to identify the type of source as follows, depending on the database's naming conventions.
- Omni lets you filter your search results by Resource Type (e.g. Articles, Books & eBooks, etc.).
- You can use Omni's citation tool to generate an APA (7th edition) citation. You are advised to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.
ProQuest One Business (ProQuest)
- You can easily identify the type of source you are trying to cite by looking at the Source Type indicator, which appears at the end of the article under Indexing (details). Popular source types include: newspapers, trade journals, and scholarly journals.
- You can use ProQuest's Cite tool to generate an APA (7th edition) citation. Check the accuracy and completeness of the citation before using in your work.
Business Source Complete (Ebsco)
- Business Source Complete does not identify the publication type in the detailed record of an article. However, when you construct your search strategy in the Advanced Search window, it is possible to limit your results by Publication Type (e.g., academic journal, newspaper, periodical, or trade publication). You can also refine your results by source type, which may assist you in identifying the type of source at hand. You can also click on the linked source title (e.g., California Management Review) for more information about it, as shown in this image of the Publication Details for California Management Review.