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Interactive Arts and Sciences

A guide to help you find relevant books and articles in the interactive arts and sciences

Scholarly Articles

Scholarly articles are commonly required as part of university-level assignments. This is because scholarly articles are written by scholars or experts and have been approved by other experts in the field through a rigorous review processes such as peer-review. Scholarly articles are not without flaws, but their publication process includes many steps for verifying facts, reducing bias, and identifying conflicts of interest. 



Find Scholarly Articles:

Tip: Many databases house a variety of information sources (not just scholarly articles). If you want to only see scholarly articles in your results, look for a way to limit to "peer-reviewed" or "academic articles" or another similar option to take out any results that are not scholarly articles. These options can usually be found in the advanced search section of a databases or in within the limiter options on the side of the results list.


Here are a list of some databases to try if you are looking for scholarly articles related to Popular Culture. Topics in popular culture studies are by nature quite interdisciplinary. As such, the research intersects with many fields. What this means for the researcher is that there isn't a single search tool or database that will cover your topic, it can be helpful to check out other research guides depending on your research topic or context.