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Government & Legal Information

Finding Government Information

This guide provides key resources for government information from Canada, the United States, and other countries. Most current government information is published online, and many historical documents have been or will be digitized. However, some government information is still only available in print or microform.

For print and microform materials, please search Omni.  Government and legal materials in print are located on Floor 7 of the Library.

Canada - Federal

Canadian Government Documents Search

(code courtesy of Carleton University)

Government of Canada

Parliament and Legislation

Parliament of Canada

Debates (Hansard)

Bills (proposed legislation)

Journals (summaries of the Debates)


Statutes (Laws)

Canada - Provincial

Provincial Government Documents Search


(code courtesy of Carleton University)

Government of Ontario

Legislative Assembly of Ontario

Ontario Government Documents

  • OZone - an Ontario Government Documents Collection provided by Scholar's Portal

Other Provinces/Territories

Canada - Municipal

Canadian Municipal Government Documents Search

(code courtesy of Carleton University)

City of St. Catharines

Niagara Region

Federation of Canadian Municipalities

Canadian Urban Institute - municipal and local government urban resource web sites

Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)

United States - Federal

The Legislative Branch (Congress)

The U.S. Congress is a bicameral legislature and includes the House of Representatives and the Senate.The following links point ot the key resources identifying and tracking current and historical congressional activity. 

The Executive Branch (The White House)

  • includes the President, the Vice President, and the Cabinet. 

The Judicial Branch

Other Resources

United States - State, Local, & Tribal

International & Non-governmental Organizations

Intergovernmental Organizations (IGO) Search

Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) Search

(code courtesy of GODORT)

United Nations

Other International Organizations