Your professor has assigned a list of academic papers from a variety of journals such as the Journal of Financial Economics. In some courses, your readings are available via the Course Readings links in your course site (Isaak / Sakai or a similar location in a Teams course site), but just in case they are not, here are some tips. All links to journal articles in Library Databases are available from off-campus - just sign in with your Brock University username and password.
Finding Journal Articles From a Reading List
Step One:
Look at the reference in your reading list and identify the Journal Title. If you are not sure, you can consult this Anatomy of a Journal Article Reference diagram to figure it out.
Step Two:
Use the Journals search tool on the Library web site to look up the journal title and scan the results list for the Available Online link.
Click on the Available Online link. It will open a View Online window displaying the full text availability of this journal. Click on the link to connect to that source (e.g., a database or journal publisher's website).
Step Three:
Find the specific article you need. There are several options, depending on where the journal is located online. For example, you can browse by Date or by Volume and Issue to locate the issue which contains your specific article, as in this example for the Journal of Financial Economics in Elsevier's ScienceDirect database.
You can also search within the full text of the journal for the Article Title, as shown in this example:
Step Four:
Locate a PDF copy of the article for downloading and/or printing.