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Omni Search Tips

Focus Results Using Filters

Select one or more filters along the left-hand side of the Omni interface to focus results.


Filter Description



Results are automatically sorted by relevance. Ranking is primarily determined by: 

  • Frequency of matching search words
  • A value score (query words in author, title, subject, plus date)
  • Proximity of search words to one another

Click on the drop-down tap to sort by date, title, or author.



"Peer-reviewed Journals" include resources that are also "Open Access" (freely available online).

"Available in Brock Library" refers to physical resources like books, DVDs, music, maps, and more.



Resource Types are listed by frequency.

The number to the right of the resource type indicates how many resources are available.


Omni allows you to select multiple filters at one time to focus searches quickly.



Enter a specific date range and click "Refine" to filter results within the range.



Includes Library of Congress and medical subject headings and subject tags from article databases.

Search results can be narrowed through selection or exclusion of headings.


Includes the top authors, creators, corporations, and government agencies.

undefined Indicates which Brock library holds the resources.
undefined Indicates the floor on which resources are held in Brock libraries.

Physical resources of the 13 partner libraries are listed here.

undefined Indicates the top scholarly databases holding the searched resources.
undefined Indicates the language in which resources are published.
undefined Lists the top Journals that include resources associated with the search keyword/term.