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Omni Search Tips

Common Search Questions

1. How do I search for an exact book or article title?

Click on New Search in the banner and enter the title in "quotation marks" (e.g. "the great gatsby"). You may also select Advanced Search, enter the title in "quotations," and select Title as the field.


2. How do I search within a specific journal?

Click on Journal Search in the banner. Search for the title of the journal, click on the journal title to open the Omni record, and then enter your desired keywords in the search bar beneath "Search inside."



3. How do I search for works by a specific author?

Click on Browse in the banner, select "Browse by Author," and enter the author's name (last name, comma, followed by the first name).



4. How can I narrow my search to only include items that are physically in the library?

Perform a search and click on the "Available in Brock Library" filter to explore items physically located in the library. Select a specific Brock Library and/or location to further narrow the results.



5. How can I narrow my search to only include items that are accessible online?

Perform a search and click on the "Available Online" filter to explore items that are accessible from your computer, tablet, or other device with an internet connection. Select a specific "Resource Type" like articles or eBooks to view resource available in those formats.



6. How do I request an item that is unavailable or signed out by another user?

Click on the item and scroll down to the "Get It" section. Click on "Request" and enter a date after which you no longer need the item (i.e. the date when it is okay for the request to expire). Enter any comments about the request and click on "Send Request."

You'll receive an email when the item is ready for pick up, usually the next day for "Available" items. Pick up requested items at the Ask Us Desk located on the main floor of the Matheson Learning Commons.


7. How do I request an item from another library?

Requests can be submitted through Omni. Sign-in to your Library account. If you click on a record and the item is available through a partner institution, click 'Get it from another library'. See Borrow From Other Libraries for more information or contact


8. How do I request items to be delivered to the Hamilton Campus Instructional Resource Centres or the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts?

Library resources may be requested to these location by filling out the online forms for the specific location:


9. How do I export a resource to a citation manager?

See section entitled "Cite & Export Sources" in this guide.


10. How do I create a permanent link to a specific resource?

Click on a resource, scroll down to the "Send to" section, and click on the "Permalink" icon. Either highlight and copy the URL or click on "Copy the Permalink to Clipboard" to skip the highlighting step. Paste the link into emails, assignments, or citation management tools to access the Omni record in the future.
