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MKTG 4P31: Consumer Behaviour

Sources and strategies for researching consumer behavior topics.

Getting Library Help

Getting HelpDon't waste valuable study time!

If you have any questions about using Library Resources or accessing Library Services, online help is available:

  • Just click on the Ask Chat with a Librarian icon which appears on the Library's Home Page, and within many of our Library Databases.
  • Send an email with your question to
  • The Research Support section of the Library web site has information (including video tutorials) on basic and advanced research skills, as well as tech help and troubleshooting off-campus access to Library databases.

Book a Consultation for Research Help

  • Book a consultation with Kymberly Ash, the Teaching & Learning Librarian for Business
    • Consultations will take place via Microsoft Teams and can be booked for a 30 minute time slot
    • If you are not available to meeting during my available hours, please contact me directly by email to inquire about alternative arrangements.