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MKTG 2P91: Introduction to Marketing

Getting Started With Marketing Research

This research guide is targeted at Brock University students enrolled in MKTG 2P91 (Introduction to Marketing) but may also be useful for students enrolled in MKTG 2P51 (Marketing Basics). This guide will help you to conduct research for your Marketing Plan Paper & Presentation (or similar kinds of research-based assignments).

Primary and Secondary Sources Introduction to Primary & Secondary Sources
Situation Analysis Situation Analysis / Environmental Analysis
Competitor Analysis Industry & Competitor Analysis
Target Market Target Market Specification 
Marketing Costs Financials: Sales Forecasting; Marketing & Advertising Cost Data, etc.
Marketing Plans Marketing Plans
Criteria for evaluating information sources Criteria for Evaluating Information Sources
Cite Your Sources Cite Your Sources
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This guide provides links to information sources (free/open access OR subscription-based) that will help you locate secondary data sources and other external information to support your situation analysis and the development of your marketing plan (or similar type of assignment).

  • Free resources are available to anyone, so these are one that you will be able to access after you graduate from Brock University. These are noted by an orange padlock icon 
  • Subscription-based resources are ones that are paid for by Brock University, and access is limited to current faculty, students, and staff. You will no longer have free access to most of these resources after you graduate from Brock University (although some are licensed for Alumni use) but there are many options for accessing similar information sources. Look for the  icon.

Industry / Market Research Databases

Case Studies of "Real World" Marketing Campaigns