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Business models should be used to attract investment, recruit talent, anticipate trends and challenges, and help investors evaluate companies that interest them. This is used as the company's core strategy for ensuring profitability. Below are a few resources to help create a business model.
A business plan contains the goals of a business, with details about how those goals will be achieved and the time-frame for achieving them. It serves as a roadmap that provides direction, includes background company information and financial projections. Business plans are often required to obtain financing and business loans. Templates and guidance are readily available through government and association websites. A few are llisted below to get you started.
Feasibility reports are used to determine if a business ideal will be successful based on a number of considerations including competitive advantage, financial feasibility, and market segmentation. Some example feasibility reports can be found through Google Scholar. Search for a product or industry and include "feasibility analysis" or "feasibility report" in your search. Below are a few examples along with some resources to help create a feasibility report.
Example feasibility reports: